Drivers Test Tips Parallel Parking

Once you've obtained your learner's permit and completed your state's other requirements, you'll be eligible to take the road test for your driver's license. To get you ready for the big day, follow these tips to give yourself the best chance at passing the test on your first attempt.

For information about what to do prior to taking the road test, check out our sections on applying for a license for teens or adults.


How to Pass the Driving Test

Parallel Parking Tips For Beginner Drivers One of the harder techniques required to pass a drivers exam is parallel parking. It’s something that is required to know especially when living or driving in cities. Parallel parking is a way of parking a car in a small space that drivers may not be able to drive straight into. Normally drivers position themselves parallel to the car in front of the space they want to park in, then reverse in.

Like anything else, practicing your skills ahead of time will help you calm your nerves and gain confidence for test day.

Some tips that can help you make the most of your practice time include:

  • Starting out in an empty parking lot or residential street with low traffic to gain confidence.
  • Having your parents give you constructive feedback while you're behind the wheel.
    • Though criticism can be difficult, use the opportunity to improve your driving.
    • If real-time feedback is too distracting, ask your parent to give you an assessment at each stop sign. Alternatively, set up specific checkpoints where you will pull over (into a parking lot or onto a side street), where your parent can give you tips and feedback before moving on.
  • Taking a driver training course.
    • Though these aren't free, signing up for this service is a good way to practice for the test.
    • Instructors will simulate the test conditions, which will improve your knowledge and help you gain comfort behind the wheel.

Remember that the more you practice, the more your skills will become second nature.

Know the Rules—and Make them Habit

You'll need to do more than memorize the rules of the road to pass the driving test. You'll need to have practiced those rules so many times that they are now second nature, and part of your habitual reactions on the road.

As you practice driving with an experienced adult, have them test you on your knowledge and application of:

  • Passing laws.
    • This includes passing in the correct lane and knowing when passing other vehicles is prohibited.
  • Road signs.
  • Traffic signals.
    • Including flashing yellow and flashing red lights.
  • Speed limits.
    • Including reduced speed requirements for weather conditions, construction, etc.
  • Safe following distances.
  • Signaling for lane changes and turns.

Before the test, it might be a good idea to reread your state's driver's manual or take an online practice test to refresh your memory of the rules and regulations of the road that could show up during your test.

Practice the DMV Road Test

Simulating the test several times with a supervising adult prior to test day is usually a good idea. If it's possible, head to the local DMV you plan to test at, and drive around on the same roads you'll be tested on.

A few of the things you'll want to practice that are usually included on most driving tests include:

  • Parking.
    • Using parking spaces.
    • 2- and 3-point turns.
    • Parallel parking.
  • Stopping.
    • Checking for oncoming traffic.
    • Maintaining distance behind crosswalks or stop lines.
    • Making a complete stop at stop signs.
    • Knowing how to use your emergency brake.
  • Turns.
    • Gradual slowing leading into turns.
    • Yielding right of way in intersections.
  • Lane changes.
    • Using proper signals.
    • Checking mirrors before the attempt is made.
    • Ensuring a vehicle isn't in your blind spot.
    • Maintaining speed.
    • Accelerating when entering freeways.
  • Defensive driving techniques.
    • Following at a safe distance.
    • Using mirrors before braking.
    • Checking signal lights and signs for safety.
    • Reacting to possible hazards.

Remember, too, that some states will put tips and scoring guidelines for their road tests on their DMV website, which can be excellent resources as you practice.

Additional Tips for Driving Test Day

If you've put in the time and practiced each of the required skills, you'll have fewer reasons to be nervous.

On the day of the test, remember these tips to stay calm and be confident:

  • Focus on your driving, not the examiner.
    • Spending your energy focusing on the actual test, and the person testing you, can lead to mistakes. Instead focus on your driving and make good, sound decisions just as you've done during practice.
  • Don't worry about mistakes.
    • If you do happen to make a mistake during the road test, move on. Worrying about what's just happened can have a compounding effect and lead to even more mistakes.
    • Remember that if you make a mistake and don't pass the test, most states allow multiple retests.
  • Be comfortable with your vehicle.
    • It's generally a good idea to test in the same vehicle you've been practicing with.
    • The night before, make sure you adjust your mirrors and check that your vehicle's turn signals, lights, and brakes are working properly to avoid any headaches the morning of the test.
    • Know how to turn on your windshield wipers, heating/cooling system, radio, etc., should your test administrator ask you to demonstrate these elements.

Parallel parking can be frightening for any driver. You are oftentimes forced to park in a tight parking spot in-between two cars. Your goal is not to hit any of the vehicles around you while not parking too close to the road, curb or any cars. Also, you may be trying to parallel park in a busy street, which can trigger anxiety.

With all these different factors at play, parking parallel can be difficult. However, there are parallel parking rules and a specific process that will help you understand how to parallel park. Additionally, there are 34 states that have a DMV parallel parking section in thedriving test, so knowing how to parallel park perfectly is crucial. Learn about the process, tips and places where you can and cannot park below.

The Process of Parallel Parking

Trying to learn how to parallel park can be tough. It is something that many drivers are not forced to do on a daily basis. Also, it is a parking method that is difficult to learn because of all the specific steps that must be followed.

If you are preparing to take your driving exam or just want to improve your parking, the parallel parking guide below will help you. If you follow each step, you will learn the easiest way to parallel park.

Find a Parking Spot

Find a parking spot where you can safely park in without damaging your vehicle. The parallel parking measurements are something to consider.

You want to find a space that is approximately nine feet long and 20 feet wide. Also, make sure the location that you find is a legal parking area and not a tow-away zone.

Check Your Mirrors

The second step in the parallel parking instructions is to check your rear-view, left and right side mirrors for traffic as you approach the parking spot.

You want to ensure that there is no vehicle immediately behind you. As you begin to approach the parking space, slowly brake and use your turning signal.

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By doing so, you are letting drivers know that you are trying to park. If another vehicle comes up behind you and is not going around you, let them know that you are parking.

Position Your Vehicle

You want to position your car with the vehicle that is parked in front of the spot you want to park in. The best way to parallel park is by aligning your bumper with that adjacent vehicle’s bumper.

Make sure that you do not get too close or far from the automobile. You want to be two feet away from the car. This will allow you to have enough room to back into the parking spot without scraping the other vehicle.

Put Your Car in Reverse

Make sure that there is no traffic, bike or pedestrian behind you before parallel parking. Once you see the road is clear, put your vehicle in reverse.

Pa Drivers Test Parallel Parking Dimensions

Look over your shoulder towards the space and slowly begin to reverse into the parallel parking space. Once you see your back seat is aligned with the front car’s bumper, turn your steering wheel quickly towards the parking space.

You want to slowly continue to reverse until your car is at a 45-degree angle entering the spot.

When your tire is near the curb, you must turn your steering wheel back towards the road and slowly move backwards. You want to continue driving in reverse until you are close to the vehicle parked behind you.

Move Forward and Center the Vehicle

Put your car in drive and align yourself in-between both vehicles. Once your vehicle is straight and you are in the parking spot, make sure your parallel parking distance from the curb is no more than one foot.

You do not want to be far from the curb, as that increase the chances of a passing vehicle scraping the side of your car.

How to Exit a Parallel Parking Space

Now that you know the steps to parallel parking, it is just as important to know how to exit the parking space. You cannot just turn and drive out of the parking spot. There is a guide that you must follow to leave as well.

Drivers Test Tips Parallel Parking School Bus


Put Your Car in Reverse

When you are ready leave, it is important to make sure there are no pedestrians behind your vehicle. Once your surroundings are clear, put your car in reverse and get as close to the car behind you as possible without hitting it.

Put Your Car in Drive

You now have to turn your steering wheel all the way to the left. Before driving off, you must put your turning signal on. This will indicate to other drivers that you are leaving the parking spot. Once there is no traffic or pedestrians in the area, make sure you have enough room from the car in front of you and drive out of the parallel parking space.

Where to Practice Parallel Parking

Now that you are familiar with the parallel parking guide, you are probably wondering where to practice parallel parking. If you are looking to practice parking parallel for the first time, you can train on your driveway.

You do not want to practice parking in between two cars right away because of the possibility of an accident. Instead, place two cones 20 feet away from each other and start practicing.

Once you are comfortable enough, you can begin to park in between vehicles. Also, you can train in an empty parking lot or any area that will allow you to place cones. Furthermore, it is important to avoid practicing in a location with heavy traffic.

Where You Cannot Parallel Park

Drivers Test Tips Parallel Parking Permit


You are not able to parallel park anywhere you would like. Just because you see an open space on the side of the road does not mean you can park there. You cannot park:

  • Near a fire hydrant.
  • Within 30 feet of a stop sign.
  • In a train or bus lane.
  • Where curbs are marked red.
  • On a crosswalk or bike path.
  • On private property
  • On another person’s driveway without consent.

If you find a parallel parking spot that is not in any of the locations listed above, you can probably park there. Just make sure to follow this parallel parking guide.

Last updated on Monday, May 20 2019.