Wind Turbine Blade Templates

Who makes wind turbine blades
  1. Three Blade Wind Turbine

Basically , all I do is place my template at each section, which I marked from the previous step, all around the blade. I align each template on the front side (leading) edge and mark the airfoil shape as it would touch that blade station. See below, C is marked at C, and D is marked at D. Where the most forward edge touches the line is the leading edge. I do this for every section along the blade. I then draw a line from peak to peak. This line is the leading edge line. And will guide you where NOT to cut. I repeat this is the line in which you do NOT want to remove material. You want to remove material above and below it, but that line is suppose to be the most forward part of the blade, and will never be cut. Make sense? I hope so, or your in trouble. I repeat this with the back edge (trailing edge).
FYI, leading and trailing edge is an Aerodynamics term, which as you may have guessed, is how the airfoil 'sees' the air. Leading edge being the first part of the airfoil or wing to feel the air, and the trailing edge is the last. See being a nerd is cool.


Three Blade Wind Turbine

Tip Speed Ratio: The first step in wind turbine rotor design is to select a tip speed ratio (TSR).The TSR refers to the ratio of the speed of the blade tips to the wind speed. The TSR is important because if the blades spin too slow at a given wind speed, then most of the wind will pass through the rotor with little being harnessed. The two primary aerodynamic forces at work in wind-turbine rotors are lift, which acts perpendicular to the direction of wind flow; and drag, which acts parallel to the direction of wind flow. Turbine blades are shaped a lot like airplane wings - they use an airfoil design. In an airfoil, one surface of the blade is somewhat rounded, while the.